What is Liver?
A significant internal body organ, located on the upper right of the abdomen. It assists in digestive processes and has regenerative properties.Functions of Liver:
Detoxify the blood that is circulating, produce bile to assist in digestion, regulate blood clotting, and many more.Liver Diseases:
Hepatitis A, B & C caused by viral infections, Cirrhosis of the liver, Alcoholic & non-Alcoholic fatty Liver disease are the most commonLiver:
The Liver is a significant internal body organ that works 24 hours a day to ensure that the body remains healthy. Weighing in at a little more than one kilogram, it is the largest internal organ, as well as the largest gland of the body. It processes virtually everything one eats, drinks, breathes in or rubs on their skin. In fact, the liver performs over 500 functions that are vital to life.
It is located below our diaphragm, behind the right ribs, in close proximity to the gall bladder and the stomach. It is a firm, toned mass of fragile dark red tissue that is enveloped by the Glisson’s capsule, which protects it. Its tissues are irrigated by a complex network of blood vessels reaching deep inside its core. The two distinct systems of circulation are the portal system which brings blood to the liver from the intestines, and the systemic circulation that brings blood to the liver from the heart. It also has regenerative properties.
Liver Functions:
The Liver is constantly working, ensuring that the body functions normally. Functions of the Liver include, but are not limited to:
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Nr. Sola Bridge, S.G. Highway,
Ahmedabad - 380054,
Gujarat, India.